ASME B31.1 Materials, Fabrication, and Examination

ASME B31.1 Materials, Fabrication, and Examination

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Details Price Qty
Early Bird Fee $1,720.00 CAD  
Normal Fee $1,890.00 CAD   Goes On Sale
April 15, 2025

  •  May 5, 2025 - May 8, 2025
     8:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • Mr. Jeff Henry
    Mr. Henry’s technical expertise includes materials evaluation, high temperature materials behavior, failure analysis, and support of critical manufacturing activities. These activities have been focused on the production of steam generating equipment for the nuclear and fossil power industries. He is experienced in: the resolution of heavy-vessel manufacturing problems, process management, laboratory research and development projects, and problems related to the operation of critical boiler and turbine components. His experience has been particularly concentrated in the areas of welding, high temperature behavior, diffusion processes, heat treatment, fatigue, and the metallurgy of the Creep Strength-Enhanced Ferritic Steels, such as Grade 91.

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Venue:   Online Training Session

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