Manuals and Procedures

Quality Assurance training for manuals and procedures

ANRIC’s expert engineers and administrative staff have the knowledge and experience in:
  • Writing, editing and producing QA manuals and procedures that govern the essential code requirements of safety, reliability and performance of the component in operation
    • The content of ANRIC’s QA Manual assures that the quality related activities are being performed are controlled effectively by the user
  • Understanding principles and controls required for materials, design, fabrication & installation, examination, testing, responsibilities, quality assurance, authorized inspection, and records etc
  • Providing training on the development and preparation of QA manuals and procedures, as well as Lead Auditor training. See our Professional Development section for more information.
ANRIC’s QA encompasses controls required for materials, design, fabrication & installation, examination, testing, responsibilities, quality assurance, authorized inspection, and records etc. The content of ANRIC’s QA Manual assures that the quality related activities are being performed are controlled effectively by the user. ANRIC provides training on the development and preparation of QA manuals and procedures, as well as Lead Auditor training. A description of the courses can be found on the Professional Development page.