Skills Training for Nuclear QA Auditor/Lead Auditor

Skills Training for Nuclear QA Auditor/Lead Auditor

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Details Price Qty
Early Bird Fee $760.00 CAD  
Normal Fee $895.00 CAD   Goes On Sale
April 3, 2025

  •  April 23, 2025
     8:30 am - 4:00 pm


  • Mr. Richard W. Barnes, P. Eng.
    Mr. Richard W. Barnes is the Principle Engineer at ANRIC Enterprises Inc. and has been actively involved for over 30 years in the development of the ASME and CSA Codes and Standards associated with Pressure Boundary for both nuclear and non-nuclear power plants. Mr. Barnes leads the team at ANRIC Enterprises Inc that offers technical assistance for companies registering Pressure Boundary products, and provides expert consultation on the application of the various pressure boundary codes. The ANRIC team also develops and delivers training on both the CSA and ASME Codes and Standards for delivery on-site at the ANRIC Learning Centre and off-site at the clients’ premises. Mr. Barnes sits on various code committees responsible for the development of Codes and Standards. He is the...
    • Past- chair and member of the ASME Standard Committee of the BPV III, which is responsible for the development of Section III of the ASME BPV Code;
    • past Vice-Chair and member of N285A Technical Committee on CANDU Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Components
    • member of the B51Technical Committee on Boilers and Pressure Vessels
    • member of N286 Technical Committee on Overall Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plants of the CSA Standards Committee
    • member of ASME B16 Standards Committee of Standardization of Valves, Flanges, Fittings and Gaskets
    • member of the Subcommittee responsible for development of the B16:34 Standard .
    Mr. Barnes has received the...
    • ASME Dedicated Service Award and the highest ASME Nuclear award
    • the Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes and Standards Award in recognition for his contributions to the nuclear industry.
    In 2007, was elected to the ASME Grade of Fellow. In 2009, Mr. Barnes received the CNA Outstanding Contribution Award and in 2011 the CSA Award of Merit.

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Venue:   Online Training Session

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