Dr. Amarjit Banwatt has been actively involved for over 35 years in the stress analysis field and the use of ASME Codes and CSA Standards. He has been involved for the past 10 years in the development of the CSA N285.0 Standard as member of the Technical Committee. He has worked at AECL to prepare registration documents for Pressure Boundary components. Dr. Banwatt is a recognized stress analyst and Codes expert; he is consulted by many groups for Code clarifications. Dr. Banwatt is the past president of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and past member of NSERC Grants Selection Committee, Ottawa. He is a fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and the Engineering Institute of Canada.
Events this person is involved with:
- ASME Section III - Design of Class 1 Components
- ASME Section III - An Overview
- CSA N285 (Series) – General Requirements for Pressure Retaining Systems & Components in CANDU Nuclear Power Plants
- Combined N285.0 & ASME Section III – An Overview/CSA N285 Refurbishment/Maintenance
- CSA N285.0 & ASME Section III Class 1 Requirements as Applied to Design Report/Stress Analysis Report